News & Update
In Butuan City, Mindanao, the Philippines, Chodai started the development of the Taguibo River small hydropower project as a supported project by JCM Subsidy Program provided by Ministry of Environment, Japan
In Butuan City, Mindanao Island, the Philippines, Chodai start to develop the Taguibo river small hydropower project which we have been developing since 2015, as a supported project by JCM Subsidy Program provided by Ministry of Environment, Japan. We have initiated development of this project through the pre-FS conducted under financial support from Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) in FY2015. In this fiscal year, under the "the subsidy program of Ministry of the Environment Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) fund assistance project", we made a joint proposal together with our local business partner in the Philippines, Equiparco company, and the proposal was adopted on 26th of this June. Now the project is promoted as the "Taguibo river 4MW small hydropower project in Mindanao, Philippines".
This project will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Philippines by utilizing Japanese superior low-carbon technologies and products (high power generation efficiency alongside reliability and stable operation). We will measure, report and verify (MRV) the emission reductions during the project implementation, and allocate those as part of Japan's emission reductions under the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM).
During the operation period, we will make use of a "Cloud-based O&M information system" (AMCO cloud), a system that was developed by our company to efficiently perform O&M support operations. The system can collect operational data, carry-out remote monitoring, and analyze the data. Based on the collected and analyzed data, we will provide O&M management services such as advice for daily operation, reporting, and proposals for optimal timing of inspections and repairs, etc. Through this service, we will improve the equipment utilization rate, reduce life cycle costs, and support more efficient and stable operation and management of the power plant.
As well as proceeding this project, we will continue to promote our businesses in line with the Japanese government's promotion of high-quality infrastructure exports and the establishment of a low-carbon society. Through low-carbon economic development, we would like to contribute to mitigate the challenges for global warming, the achievement of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of Japan and the establishment of peace in Mindanao.